Is It True that Dolphins Rape Human Swimmers?

Lately there is a buzz over swimmers that were raped by dolphins. We all know dolphins as a cute and friendly animals, are we wrong?

If you will search the phrase “dolphin rape” on Google or any other search engine you will get many articles talking about human swimmers and other animals that were raped by dolphins. Yes, dolphins, those cute mammals we all know as a friendly sea mammal that helps people who got lost in sea. However, is it really true? Do dolphins really rape humans?

Lately there is a buzz over swimmers that were raped by dolphins. We all know dolphins as a cute and friendly animals, are we wrong?

If you will search the phrase “dolphin rape” on Google or any other search engine you will get many articles talking about human swimmers and other animals that were raped by dolphins. Yes, dolphins, those cute mammals we all know as a friendly sea mammal that helps people who got lost in sea. However, is it really true? Do dolphins really rape humans?

Dolphins are enjoying sex

Let’s start with the facts known to science that were proven many times in the past. Most animals do not enjoy “having sex”. Dolphins are among the few animals or mammals that enjoy sexual relationship.

They, along with several species of monkeys and humanity, have the anatomy to actually have orgasms.

Unlike most animals, dolphins, just like humans, are sexually active for pleasure, not just reproduction, which leads us to the next known fact.

Dolphins engage in homosexual behaviors

Dolphins engage in homosexual behaviors, just like many other animals in the nature. This causes them pleasure. It is unclear if there are individual dolphins that are only engaging in homosexual behaviors, and do not conduct sexual relationships with female dolphins, or is it just a way for them to enjoy themselves.

Most individual male dolphins that were watched having homosexual relationship were also watched having sexual relationships with female dolphins.

Dolphins have a complex social structure

The dolphins’ society is a very complex one, and it has a very complex structure. Each dolphin has its social position, and it knows its location in the “gang”.

When mating season is coming, some dolphins will be responsible to protect the fertile female dolphins from being “stolen” by other gangs’ males. This stealing can actually be considered as rape. Since the dolphins are raping those females.

So, yes, it is known that dolphins sometimes rape other dolphins. There are even records and videos of dolphins raping other male dolphins.

What about dolphins raping people?

There were several reports about dolphins attacking humans, biting and even pulling humans under water that have clear documentation and evidence support. However, aside of one unconfirmed story of a “dolphin rape victim” (with no identifying details) – there is no proof or even a sign to an actual “rape” of people.

The so called “proving videos” turn out to be videos of trained dolphins that were playing with humans. The closest thing to a rape was a dolphin that insisted on smelling a swimmer V****a.

Do not get me wrong, I am not saying it is not possible. On the contrary, it is more than possible, after all dolphins are intelligent creatures that enjoy sex, just like humans and we all know what humans are capable of…

In addition, dolphins that spend a lot of times with humans might consider them part of their "gang" which might lead to some sexual confusion.

However, we must be careful and not make generalizations, one way or the other. Just like in every intelligent species (and dolphins are very intelligent) some individuals may “break the rules” or “go rough”, it does not turn the entire specie into rapists.

Dolphins might look cute. However, they are wild animals that there is a lot about them that we do not know, so it is important to be careful around them. Some dolphins might try to rape other animals or even human swimmers. Yet, it seems that most dolphins are not doing so and are mostly friendly. So there is no reason to get panic. Just be careful.

Some of the not-to-be trusted "sources":

- A story that "happened" in Florida. I could not find any proof this woman existed, or any real news reporting this event. Also notice that there is no reference to the actually movie, and the picture looks like it was edited in Photoshop.

- A  "scientific" research with no link to the real research or any data that can verify it. A search in scientific journals show no such article.

A you-tube video "proving" the rape:

- A trained dolphin playing.

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