Most Weirdest and Amazing Animal Facts

Penguins can jump 6 feet in the air.
A group of Kangaroos is called a mob.
A young Kangaroo is called a Joey.
Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards.
Beavers can hold their breathe for 45 minutes under water.
The smallest bird in the world is the Humming Bird. It weighs less than 1 oz (or 1g).
A bear can run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour (48 km/h).
Elephants are the only animal that can’t jump.
Polar bears are left handed.

Penguins can jump 6 feet in the air.
A group of Kangaroos is called a mob.
A young Kangaroo is called a Joey.
Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards.
Beavers can hold their breathe for 45 minutes under water.
The smallest bird in the world is the Humming Bird. It weighs less than 1 oz (or 1g).
A bear can run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour (48 km/h).
Elephants are the only animal that can’t jump.
Polar bears are left handed.
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
Tigers have striped skin not just striped fur.
Reindeer eat moss because it contains a chemical that stops their body from freezing.
The coyote’s scientific name (Canis Latrans) means barking dog.
Snakes can see through their eyelids.
A Woodpecker can peck 20 times per second.
Woodpeckers don’t get headaches from all that pecking. Their skulls have air pockets to cushion the brain.
The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head 360 degrees.
Butterflies tast sensors are in their feet. They taste their food by standing on it.
Katydids have ears in their front legs.
The strongest animal in the world is the rhinoceros beetle. It can lift 850 times its own weight.
Flamingos are pink because shrimp is one of their main sources of food.
The flying frog uses flaps of skin between its toes to glide.
The slowest mammal on earth is the tree sloth. It only moves at a speed of 6 feet (1.83 meters) per minute.
The Chameleon’s tongue is as long as its body.
The Chameleon can focus its eyes separately to watch two objects at once.
The Kangaroo’s ancestors lived in trees.

Today there are eight different kinds of tree kangaroos.
Flamingos eat with their heads upside down to strain the water out of their food.
Many snakes never stop growing. That’s one reason they must shed their skin.
The Artic Tern flies from the North Pole to the South Pole and then back again to spend summer in each place.
The black bulldog ant from Australia is the most dangerous ant in the world. It stings and bites at the same time and has killed humans.
A hippopotamus can stay under water for up to 30 minutes.
The Basenji is the only dog which does not bark.
Armadillos, opossums and sloths spend up to 80 percent of their lives sleeping.
The Sun Bear has the longest tongue of all bear species – 20-25 centimetres (8 to 10 inches) long.
- If the Sun Bear is grabbed or bitten around its head, it can turn round inside the wrinkly skin on its head and bite the predator

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